If you can dream it, we can build it!
If you can dream it, we can build it!

Custom built

We pride ourselves in building furniture that lasts, using reclaimed oak, and bringing it back to life. 
We have been around furniture for four generations and there is little we have not seen concerning furniture. Bring us your idea, drawing, or picture. 
If you can dream it, we can build it! Your wish is our command!
Also if your design becomes part of our collection, it will keep your name.

Contact us for more information



With the correct use and care, our heirloom-quality furniture will be passed down into your family’s history for generations to come.

Using flooring products (wax and oil), our finish is super durable and provides extra protection while maintaining and even enhancing the natural beauty of the wood.

It is important that you keep direct heat away from the surfaces. So, nothing directly from the stove or oven, use trivets.Also, avoid abrasives and chemicals like acetone as these will take off the finish.

Use a damp cloth to keep surfaces clean.

To maintain the pieces beeswax should be applied every 6 months, this will condition the piece by “feeding” the wood, helping to preserve the wood from drying out, fading and/or cracking.

The beeswax can also be used to buff out scratches in the finish and to maintain antiques.

We leave the character of the wood untouched, celebrating the imperfections of the wood, meaning that an extra dent here or there should be seen as added character.

However, not all damage should be seen this way, so if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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